Spring creates the use of Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection to promote secure software coding practices and speed up development time. Hibernate is an Object-to-Relational-Mapping (ORM) framework
- Class room: Yes
- Live Applications: Yes
- Practical based: Yes
- Saturday: 3hrs/Day
- Batch: 5 nos
- Hands on Material: Provided
- Introduction to Spring Framework
- POJO and POJI Model Programming
- Introduction to Modules of Spring
- Core Module
- JDBC/DAO Module
- WEBMVC Module
- ORM Module
- AOP Module
- JEE Module
- Introduction to IOC
- Introduction to Spring Container
- Dependency Injection
- Setter Injection
- Inner beans
- Bean Inheritance
- Pre processor and Post Processors
- Drawbacks of plain JDBC
- JDBC Template
- NamedParameter JDBC Template
- Simple JDBC Template
- All the methods defined in Templates
- DAOSupport classes
- Callback interfaces
- Examples of database access operations using spring DAO
- Examples of accessing stored procedures using spring DAO
- Drawbacks of Hibernate
- Spring with Hibernate without HibernateTemplate
- Spring with Hibernate with HibernateTemplate
- Callback interfaces
- Introduction
- Need of AOP
- Aspect
- Advice
- Spring AOP Architecture
- XML based AOP
- Schema based AOP
- Introduction
- Spring MVC Resources
- Commands or Models
- DispatcherServlet
- Controller Classes
- Spring MVC flow
- Steps to develop the SpringMVC application
- HadlerMappings
- BeanNameUrlHandlerMapping
- SimpleUrlHandlerMapping
- Spring 3.0 Annotations
- Spring Security
- Spring with Quartz Integration (Scheduler)
- Spring OXM
- Configuration file
- Mapping file
- Persistent class or POJO
- Client application.
- Configuration
- SessionFactory
- Session
- Transaction
- save, persist, SaveOrUpdate
- update, merge, delete
- load, get
- flush, evict, clear etc
- Assigned,Increment,Sequence,Hilo,Identity,Foreign
- Joins in Hibernate
- Batch processing and Native SQL
- Criteria API
- Criteria with projections
- Inheritance Mapping
- Component Mapping
- Custom Mapping
- Connection Pool
- Transactions and Concurrency
- Hibernate Filter
- Hibernate Interceptor
- Connecting with Multiple Databases(Oracle, HypersonicSQL)
- Integrating Hibernate with Struts
- Working with Hibernate Annotations